Flow @ World Square Pub

Website: http://www.flowfridays.com.au
Address: 680 George St Sydney (Formerly Equilibrium)
Dress Code: Casual / Smart Casual.
Door Policy: Tight on the female/male ratio. Bring girls with you if you are a guy wanting to get in. Many a man hath been rejected from Flow for being alone or by grouping with his fellow man. This in turn helps with atmosphere
Entry Fee / Cover Charge: $20, $15 on guestlist.
Guestlist: Submit via the website above.
Lining up: Took about 20 minutes to get into World Square pub. another 10 minutes to get into Flow upstairs.
Inside: Basically one small-medium sized room to hold 200-300 or so people.
Cloak Room: None
Bar: 1 Bar on the side. The wait is approximately 5 minutes.
Music: Dominantly RNB
Crowd: Dominantly local Asians. 99.5% asian. Mostly young.
Entertainment: No extra entertainment. There was an MC though.
Atmosphere: Packed. Good. Thanks to door policy, its a good ratio of men-women. You would only like this place of course, if you were asian, or into asians.


Door Policy – If you got rejected.
I used to hate door policies, only because I couldn’t get through past the doorman. Then I made female friends. Suddenly I was able to enter nightclubs without much question. Then I appreciated door policies. Funny, isn’t it.

When in asia, Jason will be there.
basically bumped into quite a few people I knew.. I even saw JASON… Yes, Jason the korean bum dancer from Bamboo, that podium dancing hog. He was just taking all the podium credit. Damn. I need to frequent asian clubs less often if I want to dominate, because Jason will always be at the asian ones. I went up with the customary hello, and he replied hello, again, not recognizing me. I love it. He must get so many randoms saying hello to him

This place didn’t provide enough space for some awesome dancing, so I think we spent most of the night trying to chat up girls, epic fail as the fact that we were in a noisy asian club pretty much sealed our fates with singledom for another night.

It got stuffy
It’s a small room, and with a low ceiling height – this only meant that later on in the night it got a bit stuffy. Pretty bad if you wanted a clean night out

Left at closing time, after much dance.

For asians/asian fans – 8/10
For the rest of you – 5/10

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