About Premiere
The poster said 4 DJ crews in one massive battle. Wow! I was mislead to think there were 4 separate areas where they would all play at once. But no, it was same old Space. One rnb room and one trance room. It wasnt as packed as other events at Space. Crowd was asian.

The booty shaking competition went well. Dancing competition went well too, they actually gave it to the proper dancer to win it.

Podiums? Man.. there were no podiums !!

Other than that, I am not going to waste any more time posting about it. If you’ve been to Space, it was the same type of music. The trance was probably more improved as the songs were better to dance to for some wierd reason.

Saw Jason the solo bum dancer there. I had lost my dodgy looking glasses (again!!), so he probably didn’t recognize me? He’s a funny character. It is so hard to be different at Space. Perhaps its because of the large amount of people there.

Summary / Coda
Left the place. What a misleading advertisement. Well I might have misinterpreted it !!


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