Fridays @ Kings Cross Hotel
Assessment Time: 12:00 – 12:15am
Location: 248 William St, Kings Cross
Inside & Music: Bottom level general area band/pop music/bar (small), Level 3 chillout (small), Level 4 RnB (medium), Level 5 Private Function.
Cover Charge: Only on Level 4 there was a $10 charge
Dress Code: Casual OK.
Atmosphere: Dead. See timeline below for details.
Crowd: White
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If you managed to watch that whole video, you would have noticed the club was missing a little something to make it better. Can you guess what it is?? Can you? Why yes, my dear Watson. It’s missing people. Elementary.

– Had to walk up the stairs to get to level 3
– Level three only had 2 people when we go there – the DJ and the bartender. NO PUNTERS WERE INSIDE.
– Walking up to level 4, there were about 5 people who somehow got sucked into coming here. So shithouse.
– When we reached level 4 – The DJ stopped playing music.
– When the DJ stopped playing, M makes his own music in his head and waltzies right in. “Shouldn’t we charge him?” one of the cash register guys say.
“No, we can’t charge him. We can only charge cover if the DJ is playing music.”

Let’s cut to the chase. Avoid this place for general dancing at all costs. This goes in the scrap alongside Golden Palace (GP always has drugs.. and violence to the level where police have to be called in). Drinks are ok here though, but that’s not why you’re on this website.

Kings Cross Hotel – Zero (0) out of however many marks you want.  This place sucks.

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