A friend invited me to crash a farewell. She told me to dress up. So I dressed up as a pirate. Everybody else dressed up normally. It wasn’t a dress up party, it was a party where everybody dresses nice. Oh well.

I really don’t like coming here, but the girl had never been to bamboo (she’s 18) and wanted to check it out. I can’t blame her for trying at least once. I had nothing else on so I thought I’d give the event another chance. Here we go..

Bamboo @ Martin Place Bar:

Cover Chage/Entry Fee: (on guestlist) free before 10.30, discounted entry up until midnight. If not on guestlist its $25

Crowd: Asian, mostly teenagers/early 20s crowd.
Dress Code
: Casual/Smart Casual allowed. My pirate bandana was allowed. Hats not allowed if you try to walk past the cashier, but people wore them in the club anyway.
: RNB. DJs were pretty good at mixing up. MC included.
Opening Times
: 10.15pm-4am
: Male stripper.
: Around 11.30-midnight as the place got busier, with the dance floor pretty much getting packed to the rafters inside. It was pretty much a party atmosphere inside.

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We lined up and got in before 10.30. Basically they opened the doors at 10.15. You would have to be in the first 20 or so patrons to get the free entry. Thats 20 x $25 = $900. No wonder they open up so late.

Dancefloor dead, so we try to pickup:
My friend wanted to go out and pickup some girls. So we went around and instead of dancing around, I actually attempted conversation with these things called women.

With lines like:
“i like your shoes..”

“guess what? its my birthday!”
and other random things.. we didn’t get very far. People were more amused at the fact I had drawn a moustache and goatee my face:

Me dancing on the podium at Bamboo

Me dancing on the podium at Bamboo

JASON.. what happened tonight?
Saturday night at Bamboo is Jason’s spot to hang. Jason is the awesome korean bum dancer you may have seen before. All my friends know who he is but only refer to him as ‘that crazy dancer guy who is always up on the podium at bamboo’ as though he’s some alien! He’s got a name you know guys! It’s.. JASON! So I saw Jason – the second time this year and asked for a photo. I don’t think he recognized me in my pirate gear, but he’s always up for a photo. He wasn’t looking his best though:

I always wonder when will I ever be as good as a dancer as him. Probably never.

Legendary dancer Jason and I - Bamboo

Legendary dancer Jason and I - Bamboo

‘Are you gay?’ – proving her wrong the only way I know how.
Some pretty girls come up. Asian americans. Photos are taken. A bit of conversation. Then one asks ‘are you gay?’. What!? That’s two nights in a row. It must be some vibe I’m giving out. So to prove her wrong, I went up and pashed her . After a good few seconds her friends go ‘wooooo!’. I think, overcome by embarrasement, or my sheer sexiness as a pirate, she breaks off and RUNS away outside!! Oh well. My friends tell me off for scaring the hot chicks away.

Kissing a girl after she called me gay.

Kissing a girl after she called me gay.

The stripper
When they announced him onto the podium, EVERY GIRL in the club runs up and forms the tightest circle around the pdoium to get as close as they can to the male stripper. The girls went wild. You can see all the guys either watching out of interest or because they have nothing else to do. I had already had my fair share of male strippers a few months ago at Bligh Bar (before it was dumped by urban agent), so I went somewhere else, away from the madness. I took one photo, which was enough:

Male stripper - bamboo martin place bar sydney

Male stripper - bamboo martin place bar sydney


Girls got tired at 2am, and we left.

I actually enjoyed myself tonight, as much as I hate to admit it.

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2 Responses to Bamboo @ Martin Place Bar (13th June 2009)

  1. ur LIL SIS! says:

    hahahahha kissing a girl after she called u gay, that is soo typically drunken old mens attitudes LOL jks jks..

    and and u mustve LOVE being a pirate right right..


  2. James says:

    hey i was sober! 🙂 go back to bed sis!

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